Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Too much to do, so VERY little time.

I seem to have VERY bad luck with cars [if you don't know, well, then you just haven't been around]. Someday, maybe I'll have another "cheap" car. I can't afford gas in The Tank.

Christmas is RIGHT around the corner! I have a few items left to purchase, and hopefully I can get some offline and also, AVOID the mall this year. I don't want to set foot in there, especially now. Target's as close as I get, with the exception of work, and BOY is that a relief. Speaking of.....the employee party is coming up and I need to buy or make something for that, too! Only downfall, is it's on Brad's birthday and we've already made plans. Maybe I'll be able to drop him off at the bookstore or some "manly-ish" area just for a little while, so I can do the Dirty Santa exchange and eat a cookie or two. I'm not planning on staying or really even eating. Saving room for TGIFriday's! w00t!

I HAVE to get my "Christmas" card/tag/ornaments out in the mail and whatnot soon. This is the VERY first year that I've ever done anything like this on my own. I'm kinda excited to see how it goes.

Exams are in a few weeks [like TWO!] and I am SOOOOOO ready for semester's end. I'm not excited to transfer to the U of M, or really anywhere else. Southwest has kinda become comfortable for me. I'm not saying I don't want to graduate, I just wish it was a four-year institution [almost has been for me] with a Bachlor's to result, since I DON'T want to move out and go to college and the U of M is just too big. I like the comfort and convienience of the classroom size and locations.


Okay, well, on top of trying to save SOME money [NOT working AT ALL!] and pay all of my dues, I think I'm almost set for the year's end.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Movie night?

Across the Universe.
Factory Girl.

If you want to see these with me, let me know!

I'm dying to view.


It's been awhile! I wrecked my car about a month ago and ended up totalling it out. The insurance money that we got from it ended up paying both MY car and my dad's car off. I've been driving his car around, and let me just say.....NOT fun! I'm not used to "tha tank", as I call it.......nor $40 every week to fill it!

It sucks. I really want to get a new car, but I DON'T see that happening anytime soon.

Hmm....other than that, I went to Zoo Boo last night and got a few pieces of candy. At least seeing Brad made it all worthwhile. I get to see him next Saturday too, at the Q BOO [Fall Out Boy concert at the Mud Island Amp.]. I'm pumped!!!!

Megan's [my BFF] birthday is on Halloween, so I have to get to making her stuff.

About to be late to work, so I'll update more later...


So I forgot. I recieved the sweetest compliment from a customer yesterday. She needed help with her album and Ellen and I ended up showing her the snaps [alternative to the post-extenders]. Anyways, she ended up thanking me a bunch and attempted to pay me. I HATE that. I always feel weird when people do that. I mean, I'm just doing my job. In fact, fixing albums is very theraputic.

Uhh...today, though, pretty much sucked.
The end.

I miss Brad. I think I post about this all the time. I'm sure people just want me to shut up about it.
......I need a *new* car. Something cute. I HAD my dream car and I really want to get another one, but I think my parents won't go for it. This sucks....
I miss Snow White! :'(

Friday, August 31, 2007

What the H-E-double hockey sticks?!

Mmm...Mountain Dew is pure bliss. A great treat after a long day's work. Notions was a *****. I'm just glad we all worked to get it completed. Rewind to when I got there: I started on Cassandra's baby shower card. I need to find out some things that she might need or would like, so Megan and I can splurge together on the goodies.

Oh, and I'll post a picture here when it's completed. I had to curl the paper clip all by my little ol' self.

What else....
School isn't as bad as i thought it would be. I'm actually thinking that my geography classes will be harder than my math. No bueno.

I think I did something weird to my right middle finger. It feels like I popped it out of it's socket and/or it was sprained. I mean, come on.....how do you sprain your middle finger?


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Over the horizon

School lingers just around the bend. I HAVE to go and get my books for my classes, but not today. Today, I just feel like lounging around and doing nothing. I might watch a movie after I blow dry my hair. I'm feeling like a girly movie is coming on. I watched Casino Royal last night. It was pretty good, but weird. I'm not one for prequils to previously released movies.

One of these days, I'll be able to afford to go to the movies.

I can't wait until we get our *new* scedules at work. I'd love to know what days I'll have off and to start planning for future events. I'm desperate to get to the zoo again before the butterflies leave [I'm hoping to shoot for two more times]. I have a friend who works there and she can help get Brad and I in for free. We just have to pay for the butterfly exhibit and refreshments.

I'd love to start getting more things done around the house. This includes more layouts and completion of the Family Reunion album that I have yet to even start. I need to motivate myself to get my pictures developed. I have a crop to attend at the end of September [my VERY FIRST at Eclectica, minus the employee crop that we had before our meeting]. I think I'll just save the Reunion album until then. I have all of the actual supplies that I might need [again, no pictures] and I'm lacking the space to create.

I also want to get into making more things. I'm looking at getting into felt shapes and possibly marketing them off. I'm not sure yet. I'd LOVE to have my own side business where I could sell a few things, but, like I mentioned, I need the creative space.

I'm bored. I need to get off here and start a movie. Hope everyone has a great day!

I lied.

I prefer the 10-6 shifts.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Well how about that?

I haven't been much in the mood to start on any projects lately. I wish I had a great creative space, but everything's covered in a sea of distress. One day, maybe.

Brad and I got into it the other day. Well, actually it was I who started trouble. I don't know why I have such trusting issues. Then again, he doesn't really make it that easy.

I've been neglecting my coffee in the mornings and today, it was pure bliss to partake in my morning ritual. I'm really just wanting ot stay home today, but I know I'll probably be missed at work....due to me being scheduled 2-9. I actually prefer these mid-shifts, since I can sleep in until whenever and then work the night away. School, though, is just around the corner and I still need to get over to the bookstore to pick up my books. UGH! NOT a task that I'm jumping for joy about. This semester is going to be one of the most difficult, I can just feel it. I HAVE to get my Associates this semester. I'm really worried about my future and how I'm going to get into the teaching field. I have NO idea what to do or how to do any of it. I just think this is the ONLY thing that I can see myself doing for a few years. Maybe it's what I want to do and maybe it's not. I don't know. I just want to get my degree and then I'll figure out the rest of my life later on.

Okay, well I'm off to do some good for someone, I hope. Just awaiting Monday, after my first class, so Brad and I can go shopping for my books and just hang out. Hopefully we can get some lunch. I just like spending time with the one I love. It's refreshing...

My hair's a wreck.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I just plain LOVE jewelry!

Ronnie, I think you're my *newest* best friend. Don't know if you read this, but thank you so much! It means so much to me that you would think of me. I appreciate the earrings! [Then again, maybe you're just sick of the paper clips. Haha...just kidding....I think?]

Just for the record, one of our "ralatively frequest" customers to the store [I only say that since Mrs. Ronnie lives in JACKSON!], presented me with a lovely set of custom-made earrings. They are darling! I love them so much.

More updates: I just placed an order with Michelle for some stamps from The Angel Company. I have a few errands to run tomorrow AND I have another date! Brad and I went to India Fest at the Agricenter on Saturday, but it seemed more of a disappointment than anything worthwhile. I was looking forward to going again ater work tonight with Jennifer, if it was any good, but I ended up just driving home. I'm sketching out layout for my family reunion album, and I have YET to start on it. I'm also sketching out a *new* design for my room. There'll be MINIMAL space for storage, but at least it won't be as cluttered once I'm finished with it.

I'd LOVE another vacation!

Also, I have yet to pick up my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It sits on my bed.......waiting. One day. ONE. day... :(


That last one makes me smile. If only real cake could look that cute! Somewhere, I'm sure it could AND cost boocoos of moolah! =/

With all the product that keeps coming in to the store, I have to cut myself off somewhere. I swear I'm going to owe my life to the store and then some. I wonder....

Jennifer and I had Starbuck's this afternoon. I had to run over there and pick it up, but it was worth it. I haven't had Starbuck's in FOREVER!!! MMMMMMM.

I need to get busy on a layout that I'm doing for the store [just because!] and this stupid reunion album. I have to get the numerous pictures printed out and cropped down. I think I'll just wait until the end of the month to start.

A perfect zen moment:


Friday, August 17, 2007


*WHEW* The product never ceases! The store looks like it's done a 225 degree turn, although it looks neat and tidy.

I have never seen as much stuff come in as today....wow! I do not envy Brandy. [Sorry!] I'm wondering how we'll be able to fit everything in the store. Just a thought, we might need to expand again and take over Tech Tropolis!!!!!!! Muahahahahaha!!! We'll conquer the entire strip.....minus Booyas, OF COURSE! We could have a Booya's diner in the center of the store. Hmm...wishful thinking.

Pizza's cooking in the oven, and I'm starving, so this is all from a fatigued and hungry Megan. GOOD NEWS!!! Tomorrow, I finally get to see Brad and hang out with him for a little while. It seems our schedules continue to conflict, even when we try to take off days to be together. We're going to the India Fest at the Agricenter after I get off from work [5] and then Sunday, after Jennifer and I get off, we're heading back to the Agricenter and I'll be able to look some more.

I've gotten all that I care to for my Family Reunion album, but it's hard to just get motivated. After work, all I want to do is wind down and relax. I don't want to be creative. I just want to lay around or watch a movie, or check out the lastest and greatest releases out on the market.

I'm considering going to the church down the street for their Friday Night Crop [every other Friday], and just hang out there with my mom and her friends from the barn and whatnot and actually USE some of the stuff that I bring home. It's hard to believe that EVERY single sheet of paper or EVERY embellishment that comes home with me, I have an idea or a project in mind already for it. I still can't believe it. I need to set up a place where I can have all of my belongings and treasures so I can just work whenever I please. I'm considering taking all back to Brad's apartment and just sitting down with him and working on some things. I just need everything out of my "tiny" bedroom, in order to clean it and rearrange. I think I'm going to put my computer on my built-in desk and keep my supplies nearby. My t.v. will go by my window. My bed will, hopefully be situated so my room feels more open, and I'm going to try to get rid of a BUNCH of furniture and pieces. UGH!! It's just so frustrating. I would just like some helping hands to help move everything and pick up the floor.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Gerkie [my cat] got into the attic and refused to come out from hiding. It was pretty scary not knowing where she was, but my mom and I eventually found her and brought her out. She was not very happy, but she seemed to want to go back. Stupid kitty.....


In the morning...

I'm leaving for Ottawa, Illinois.

I've finished packing, with the exception of the items I'll use in the morning and my glasses in the car. I'm going to leave everything that I bought for my trip, here. I'll make my album when I get back home......sometime next week when I'm off work and I have the time.

I'm going to try to get all the pictures I take developed on Sunday before I return home and get a haircut sometime before Sunday. I'm thinking shorter and bangs. I haven't had bangs since I was a child, probably 4th grade?

The ONLY thing wrong about this trip is that Tiffany will be going along with us. I know it's unreasonable to have EVERYONE come along due to seating arrangements, but I sincerely doubt that Brad would ever be invited.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Just a little celebration.

On top of the hi-speed [Xipline] and digital cable, I now, as of RIGHT NOW have the internet upstairs for the first time EVER!!!! w00t. :)

Tomorrow I have to make a run to HL to pick up some things to work on up in ILLINOIS, since I'll be leaving on Thursday morning and returning on Monday. It's a short break, but I need it. I've been way to busy to get away from this place, and it's a good thing it's happening now.

I'll be bringing my UNCRACKED copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [I lied, I've read the first page =X], HOWEVER....I must continue to read HP and the Half-Blood Prince, since I've nearly forgotten the second half of the book. Boo memory.

Tomorrow also calls for packing. IL, HERE I COME!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

One amazing year..

Alhough it's had its ups and downs, it has been a great year. Today is Brad and my one year mark....and I haven't killed him yet. [j/k]

I made him a few things for today, that I am very proud of. The first, a stitched drum on black cardstock. I took the template from a website [Sublime Stitching, I believe], I looked at the design and sketched it onto the black cardstock, where I then punctured holes through the design and handstitched the image. I am very excited that I did this, since he's a drummer, and I think he'll appreciate all the work that went into it.

The next thing I conjured up was this lovely card, that I HAVE to give props to Melynda for. It was her design that I scrap-lifted, where she used the Love, Elsie black & white doodle paper. Everything on my card is, however, drawn on to the white cardstock. I used the Making Memories mini heart die cuts [red & pink], green and pink argyle ribbon and green and white cardstock. Again, I'm very happy with the results.

Gizmo helped pose with the card.... :)

What a cutie kitty.

Friday, August 3, 2007

It's been a tough morning...

Then again, it's been a tough week. I woke up early this morning to get a jump start on my Spanish powerpoint presentation, thinking that somehow I could put it all together this morning and have the afternoon off to relax. Well, Micrsoft Powerpoint was never installed on this computer. My mom's coworker and friend is coming over to let me use her disk and install the operation later on tonight. I thought I could have a great, productive, school day, but that'll have to wait.

I stayed up way too late last night. I made two cards and two picture frames that I have to dispurse on Saturday and Sunday. I'm kinda excited and I hope that everyone likes them. They weren't difficult to create either, but I'm proud of them....for the most part. I really like this one:

I need to do laundry. Ugh! I have absolutely no motivation for it.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

From last night's class..

From A:

To B:

Tonight's class was designed to help inspire you to think creatively outside your norm. I usually tend to do the same things, but I feel like I'm more inspired if I'm limited to certain things. Not sure if I'm really speaking English, but it was fun.
We were to look at a layout [from a magazine-this one happened to be an ad for hardware and shelving units] and use the layout to create our own. I'm still not 100% complete, as you may have noticed NO picture in my layout.

I'm looking to get the perfect picture to put there.

I'm thinking I'm probably going to do the HMITM challenge this week. Kinda nervous about what I'm going to do, since I have to kinda stage a photo shoot with this one....but at least I have an idea, which is more that I can say for some of my creative outbursts. I don't think anyone will be shocked.....

I need to get motivated. =/

Friday, July 27, 2007



Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou ROXI!!!!

[This means soooooooo much to me.]
It is framed.

Wow, so Roxi brought me back a "little" happy from CHA in Chicago yesterday. I think I made a scene at the store when she bestowed her gift upon me. Oh well, what can I say?

Today, I have a spa day at Serenity Spa in Cordova. I'll be going with my brother's girlfriend, Tiffany, for a one hour, full-body massage and a one hour facial. Holy smokes!!! I'm gonna feel like a noodle.

Tonight, I'll be attending a TAC party at Liz's casa. Jennifer, Sally, and I are all going to arrive together....meeting up at the store before we set off. I need to plan a day to just go and scrap, again. My album is due on the 5th and I only have 2 pages ACTUALLY completed with pictures [not sure if I'll be journaling on them, but I need to at least get the pages relatively decent before August, so that all I'll have left to do is the journaling and adding pictures].


Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hooray!!! I haven't been to the zoo in ages, so of course when Brad asked me if I would like to go, I jumped on the chance to see all the cute and fuzzy animals. :)

Also, I have a class tonight by the lovely and talented Marci Lambert. We're creating a tag book for the winter holidays [yes, I know....it's July]. My mo is going to be in the class with me and it'll be the FIRST class that we've taken together since Card Club before I started working at Eclectica [a year ago]. Wow, thinking about it, it doesn't seem like I've been there that long, but I'm glad that I can say......it's been well worth it!
It has it's ups and downs, but all places do. Wait, where were we?

Yes, my favorite place to go in Tennessee. Seriously, Brad and I used to go almost every month, possibly twice a month when we first got togetherand it's been a little while since we last went. Apparently it's the perfect day to go, since Chelsea's taking her ADORABLE baby girl, Danielle today and also, my brother and Tiffany [his girlfriend] are also going. I need to start getting ready to head over to Brad's and get my camera charged [he has my charger over there]! w00t!

I need to start posting pics from my classes on here again....sorry, I'm slacking.

Many hearts!

Monday, July 16, 2007


I really wish I knew how to sew.

Two things on my *wish*list*:
1. Cute, easy-to-use, sewing machine.


2. Canon Digi Rebel....I know it's a long-shot, but a girl CAN dream!

Some exciting news: May, or may not have, mentioned that there were baby birds outside my house in a looming flowerpot. Well, not only did all *4* eggs hatch, but all four of the babies survived, and have since left the nest. Hooray! I have enough pictures to document the occasion as well.
Other stuff....I'll be leaving to go to Illinois for a family reunion [first one I've ever been to] from August 9th until August 13th. I'll also be raiding my Grandmother's stash of awesomely unique and vintage items, possibly some of her felt collection as well.

Sometime this Fall, I want to get back up there and go to Chicago again. I absolutely love going up there and seeing all the neat things....especially the water's edge and Navy Pier.

These girls amaze me. I'm such a bright junkie...and lately, a button fiend, though I barely have ANY! :(

I've been to the site ETSY, and I must say, I'm not that impressed. I love that people can sell their stuff, but it seems overpriced and I just can't find anything I HAVE to have.

I need to get my Spanish homework/journal completed. It's due on Wednesday [miercoles] and I haven't even started, though it won't be hard. Also, I'm REALLY needing to get my room clean. I can't stand it anymore AND I have *new* furniture that my Mom and Dad bought me to go up there, meaning that my old sutff needs to be stored in the attic. My Mom got me a t.v. stand and my Dad bought a designer chair in Virginia that he gave to me. The chair is pictured in a book at work....or it may have just been in one that Cynthia bought that we ordered. Whichever...

I need to figure out something. PLUS I need to get all my scrapbooking stuff together and relatively organized, which could take....God only knows how long!

Oh boy. Better get started!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I've noticed..

I seem to use the same colors over and over again in any layout that I'm working solo on. Greens, bright pinks, and blacks or greys....sometimes blues are thrown in for good measure. I NEVER use reds, oranges, or yellows....and I seem to avoid purple altogether [minus the mini book I made for Brandy ;)].
I just wish that I could walk through the store and find something that inspires me to create that DIDN'T have a slight touch of these colors.

Even this layout has them....[NOT MINE, of course], however it at least shows signs of the colors I mentioned, so I'm doing better than before.

I have a *few* things I need to shop for today [I'm horrible when I go shopping :(] before I go in to work. Which means, I ACTUALLY have to go upstairs and get dressed. No more playing around on the internet. BOO!
My "OH MY GOD!" moment of today:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First ever!!!

Sunday, I had my very first cropping experience. I was so excited, I don't really know HOW I managed to concentrate through the morning. I packed up all my belongings [that I planned to use] and headed over to the store close to 1. I ended up cropping for a total of 6 hours, and I must admit, I was pretty darn proud of my accomplishments. Too bad I wasn't thinking straight and had someone snap my picture! :(

I don't think I'll be joining in on any of the crops that we offer at the store, simply because I'm not very experienced and I find it VERY hard to work under pressure. Plus, my "stuff" isn't like the majority of what most people prefer to use. My techniques are rather.....*gasp* NON-matchy matchy and I use some pretty interesting colors.

Who knows though. Maybe when I build up some more confidence, I'll be attending some crops in the future. I just hope that I don't take anyone's spot! =X

I still have to get this album complete BEFORE the 5th of August. I hope I can squeeze in another hardcore session.....possibly involve Brad with it, since it was originally supposed to be a couple's artistic expression. I seem to have taken over. Speaking of, I think I might have to see if I can find refill pages for the album online and ask Ellen to special order....IN A HURRY!!! I'm under a strict deadline.

I hope that everyone had a safe, fun Fourth of July. I didn't do much, just sat here at home. Wouldn't you know, I didn't see ONE firework on the Fouth?!?! I stayed in my house and watched t.v.
My sparklers came on the 5th, where Brad, my brother Justin, and I all set off a few smoke bombs and one or medium sized bottle rockets. I simply held only my sparklers. .....and my Pop Pop's [those little snappers].

Take care!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Stressful :(

I've been trying to get the boys comfortably settled into the new apartment. Brad has NO furniture, so I'm trying to think of ways to get cheap furniture, since well, we're BOTH poor. I've tried asking people if they had ANYTHING up for grabs, and no one's responded, so i think I'll have to see what I can part with and try to think of SOME way to get it to him.

UGH!!! Too much. I really wish I didn't have to work today, since they'll be out shopping for household essentials, and I love looking and shopping for all that. I'm QUITE the little bargain shopper! But alas, I won't be getting off of work until 9, so.....hmm. Saturday I'm working too, but I'll be off by 5:30, so I can try and help with anything that's left.

I've left my beloved 52 Scrapbooking Techniques [ELSIE!!!!] with Brad. I figure, it'd be nice for him to read. It's all bright and cheery, so I figure he'd wanna take a quick glance through it. He actually likes scrapbooking, so I'm very excited about that.

Other news, I had a test that I'm hoping went well yesterday. I had to guess on a few problems, so....yeah. Not good. I'm kinda stressing that I didn't perform to standards and that I'l have to RE-REtake this course [3rd time's a charm?] Ugh! I can't stand math. Speaking of, I need to be getting ready to leave here. I have class at 9:40 and it takes me about 40 minutes to get to school Monday through Friday. Plus, my beloved is meeting me with [hopefully] my check at the bank, then it's off for some shopping, so I guess I don't miss out on ALL the shopping for the apartment....

So, if anyone has ANY sort of furniture that they would like to donate or sell, please let me know. Brad's in need... OR if anyone knows of a great place to buy cheap furniture, please let me know aobut that as well. I already have Value City Furniture listed and a FEW others in mind, but information always helps.

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Stuff keeps pouring in.

I keep receiving goods every day, it seems. I've gotten more dies and my Ranger Melting Pot, along with some others that I probably didn't need, but wanted. I have a SERIOUS shopping problem.

Starbucks! Yes. My best friend, Megan and I are headed there this afternoon RIGHT after I get out of class. I can't wait. I have a $5 card that Brad gave me that he got from his work, and I figure I'll use it today. I have to save every useful penny I own just to pay off my debts. UGH!!!

Ooohh... I got my Elsie book FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting on it to reorder, and of course it would come when my tab was already too high. Sheesh... but I let Brandy install the free fonts to Register 1 and she burnt me a copy of the other fonts we have installed there too. I'm super happy. Now, all I have to do is pick a day that I'm not busy and get to work. I really wish that my computer had a printer and whatnot. Maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas....along with the Canon Digital Rebel I am dying to have as well....HA!

Well, apparently it's a little cold outside. Wonder why.... Oh well. I can put on a jacket before I head out. We have a review today and thus, I must make an appearance, but.....there's STARBUCK'S!!! Mmmm... can't wait!


Monday, June 11, 2007

Oh boy

I've been pretty busy. Hopefully my charms made it safely to Jackson and into Ronnie's hands. Other than that....some very exciting news. On top of all that I've been purchasing lately, I have made a few OUTSIDE purchases, too. Oooohhh aaaaahhhh. I know....

That's my secret. I just won the Sunshine, discontinued, alphabet for $69.00 plus tax; the video game die for $6.49; the cloud die for $6.85; the soda die for $17.59 [a bit pricey, but it's retired]; and a few die cuts too.

Honestly, I think I'm done for AWHILE. I hope....I need to start saving up some money.

Other news: I've nearly completed my two journals, so I need to put the finishing touches on them and be done with them! Then, I have at least one more to construct. Good thing I only need one composition to finish the job.

When do I find the time to sleep?
Oh, and I think I might have done well on my math test today. Hmm...maybe I can play all these purchases on a celebration of my good work? I doubt that'll fly over too well....

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I've been working on a few compositon journals for me and two of my friends. I'm really excited about how they're turning out. I have Cassandra's almost completed, just have to add a few pockets and thing to store information about her pregnancy. I'm super excited that I got so far on that one last night.

My Tinkering Ink journal is still in the process of being created, but I've decided that I needed to get that other one done soon.

Ruth's Summer Tin class got cancelled, but I hear that it'll be offered again sometime in the future. Boy I hope so, because that'd be another cute idea for the girls. I need some Starbuck's.

OMG, I bought SOOOOOOO much yesterday, but I think it was all worth it, and so did Brad [good thing, 'cause i used his card.... =X] No worries, he knew.

A complete list?
  • 13 QK 2x2 dies
  • Blk QK binder
  • Grn AMM Shoulder Tote [for lugging around my scrapbooks and paper, or just whenever I buy anything from the store and DON'T want a bag....]
  • The Oodles of Doodles book

I am one HAPPY girl! I think I'll be going back to the store today [I'm ALWAYS there, even when I don't work], to sign up for Marci's Creative Shove class and possibly grab 2 more dies [nameplates for my works]. We'll see...


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My QuicKutz List

I've been compiling a collection of QuicKutz that I wish to purchase, and boy oh boy, the list keeps growing and growing. I know it'll be a lot of money, but I'm going to try and get as many as I can. I have like 3 dies and an alphabet so far, and I'll be trying to get a binder to keep them all in along with the 8-pocket store sheets. I'm not a huge fan of the fold over, 16 pocket sheets.

Also, I'm thinking about getting more of the Tinkering Ink paper line, for more journals. I'm thinking about making two more for Megan and Cassandra. Cassandra can document her pregnancy and Megan can document some notes for her Anatomy classes and labs, her trips to Biloxi [jealous!], or even our special Megan^2 days. I'm not sure, but I'd love to do something special for them, if it is just a journal.

I NEED to get these charms in the mail!!! I had to do some last minute corrections, due to my impatience and the diamond glaze. I'm just hoping that they won't stick to the little baggies that I'm going to put them in, just in case it gets really hot and the diamond glaze decides to pull a "modge podge" and melt to the point of sticking to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING it seems to touch. Ugh...

I really want a vacation. Just to go ANYTWHERE and do absolutely nothing sounds like perfect bliss. Alas, no can do.... I will be going to Illinois in August, provided I can get time off work, for a family reunion. I don't call this perfect bliss, since I only know my close relatives, and big families just freak me out. Besides, who can really remember all 500 of their names, anyway?

I need to get ready for school/work. Figure out some items of clothing that both match and I can wear to work. I still need to straighten my hair as well and put on SOME sort of make-up, since I haven't worn any in some time and I'm trying to look decent at least ONCE this week.

GAH! I think I need more coffee....

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Charms completed!!

Finally...I have my charm completed. All I have left to do is get an envelope and send them to Ronnie. I am very proud of them. :)

I have compiled a list of all the QuicKutz dies that I want....NOT including any alphabets. Ooohh! I must brag. I am very excited. I bought Stiletto [a retired alphabet] this past week. I haven't used it yet, but it is my FIRST and only alphabet. Maybe now I will start using my QuicKutz more. Plus, if I get any of these dies off my list, I'll definitely have to be putting my old, hard-to-use, blue handle to use. .....I need a *new* handle [THE BLACK ONE W/ METRO!!!!]

Also, this past week, I started on a composition journal. I have all finished but the front cover and some pockets and fun doo-dads on the inside. Hopefully, I'll make that a project for the week. I need to pay for Ruth's Summer Tin class. Sounds fun, plus, I've seen the teaser and I have NOTHING like that at the house.....actually, my room [my mom has the tins].

Now, off to TRY to find a bank that's close to home and work with *FREE* checking. None of that $1,000 deposit crap. So stupid. First South [who I'm with now] asks for $200 to open with a penalization for drafting below that amount. I don't have $200 I can just GIVE to a bank. Sorry...

Why is this so hard?
I still have my tab to pay off, too [the one with Stiletto on it].

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Flourish & Swirls w/ Ruth [5/31/07 class]

Duh duh daaahhh

I had a LOT of fun!!! Like I predicted, it was a class that you kinda needed to be present to understand and to get everything just the way you needed. However, I'll end up doing SOMETHING with the layout.

Not a lot of time to post.....off to work!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Much to do...

So, I found this:

I thought it was cute. Too bad I don't have a 12x12 printer, then again, that could be bad news, since I print A LOT anyways.

I'm really bummed because I can't go to the Art Star bazaar that's held anually in PA. I'm hoping that next year I'll get to go. Any excuse to travel back to the City of Brotherly Love.

Let's see.....
I have a class, again, tonight. This time it's Ruth's Flourish and Swirls class. I'm exited to see what she's come up with [although, I kinda got a sneak peek last night]. Ruth's a wonderful instructor, although I personally haven't taken any classes with her [it would be kinda hard to, seeing as she's not been teaching since I've worked there].

I've observed how she handles private, very beginner classes and how she shows everyone the products and takes her time, so I know this'll be a great class, too. I figured that if it's anything like Oodles of Doodles, I'll need to be present to get the actual "feel" for things.
I'll more than likely be posting the products I make tonight. Speaking of....I need to finish my Hambly book. Gosh, I'm such a klutz. I've totally forgotten that I still have other projects to do. This early morning school confusion business is driving me batty. I need the weekend!!!!

I have ONE charm to finish, then Diamond Glaze the charms and off they go to Ronnie.

I think I'm going to go finish the one charm before I have to leave to go to school, otherwise, I'm going to have to bring it with and try to finish it either before or after my shift at work.

We'll see....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting creative

As promised, the pictures to the "secret project" that I was constructing:

I put the finishing touches on it this morning, and although some pictures make the pages look blue, it's actually purple. It's a mini photo album/scrapbook to put those itty bitty photos in. I think it turned out great. It was a fun 2 hour project, with little of it actually planned out.

The rest of my morning has consisted on working on my charms for the charm swap. I have to get them mailed, sometime. but i have to get ahold of a 3/4" circle punch. I'm hoping that Mrs. Chris, my mom's best friend has one, because my mom sure doesn't.

I thought about starting on the travel journal [like I go ANYWHERE...pshhh!] that I bought all the coordinating papers for. After school on Tuesday, I'm going to see if Eclectica has a frame diecut. I haven't look to see if we have....*sigh*

I have a few things planned out, so....we'll see how long I can keep my creativity flowing. I like actually coming up with stuff. This is why it's good to have a few days off! :)

I need to get ready to leave. I'm hanging out with one of my friends today whom I haven't see in awhile. I hope we can find more to do than just go to see a movie [Distubia]. I sure do hope so, but Bartlett isn't promising.

Take care!

Aaron Kraten <3

Inspiring art from Aaron Kraten, compliments of the West Coast:

I was sure surprised to find this while at the mall!!! ....and guess what?? ITS ALL MINE!!!!! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I finally finished my "secret assignment". I like it.... too bad I'm giving it away. That's okay, I'll take pictures of it and post later.

I've taken heart in some of the things on the Fred Flare site. Too many cute, cute things. Brad got me a few things from there a while back and I've been hooked ever since.

oooohh....I went shopping yesterday at HL and Michael's.
Here's a list of the goods:

The *NEW* Fiskars paper trimmer I've been dying to get ahold of.
Two hole punches for brads and eyelets.
[I would have gotten 4 Dotto refills and a package of each glue dots, but apparently only 3L adhesives were on sale....bummer!]

A clearanced package of Once Upon A Time chipboard shapes
A small storage unit [for brads, eyelets, and other trinkets of the sort]
Some clearanced stickers
Some dollar ribbon
[Almost walked out with some fibers, but I decided I'd wait. I don't use them enough anyways, but it's always nice to have them handy in different colors for tag swaps and whatnot.]

I'm very excited. I'm starting to fill up my bag that my mom bought me for Christmas [GREEN!]. I need some adhesives, a *new* pair of scissors [the GREEN ones, go figure], and a few extra doodads [brads, eyelets, inks, yahdah yahdah] to fill it up completely. I've also been looking at some books to add to my collection. Elsie's book and the Oodles of Doodles one, as well. There's more, but I can't think right now.

Mom and I are off to see the Pirates 3. Hooray!!!
Should be lots of fun.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oodles of Doodles!!!

Wow!! This class was actually a sigh of fresh relief. After an eight hour shift, I just wanted to get away from the store [something to do with the constant 8-ers and anti-traffic flow, with a side of nothing to do], but I'm glad that I stayed. Chelsea did a SPECTACULAR job. She said she was nervous, but I don't know why. Maybe because Rhonda and I were sit-ins and also since she hasn't taught there?? Hmm...

Pictures?? Why certainly!

Just a *few* highlights...
  • Liz Butler
  • Rhonda Feiler
  • Megan Rublaitus

That's all I can say about that. We tried to give her [Chelsea] such a hard time, but she saw right through us. Oh well...
Like I said, the class was a hit and a joyful end to my otherwise treacherous day. Tomorrow, working yet another 8-hour shift [1-9].

On a lighter note, I'm really looking forward to what Elsie Flannigan has in store with her *new* line. Her work is absolutely amazing. Isn't it crazy how I want my artwork to look like hers and yet, I want to get into the altered arts?? Maybe a mix and mingle of the two?? We'll see. I have to have time for that. I'm floored by her designs and layouts, as well as the works of other wonderfully talented ladies [*ahem* Roxi, Candice, and Marci *ahem*]....

Someday I'll get back into the swing of things. For now, I think I'll just stick to collecting and working. What fun...

Something borrowed...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2 down...

I have, yet another project out of the way [temporarily]. I've put together Cindy's April Kit and I have Candice's Color Explosion book out of the way [minus the cover...I need flowers and a pretty flourish stamp to emboss on the front!!!]. I'm so happy that I've put aside some things to make room for my art again. I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something. Here's some of the photos from the last past few projects:

Cindy's April Kit Cover
The rest is the same as the instrustions. I follow the rules.... :(
From Paper Crafts Challenges with Roxi:
All the goodies I made. I know it's dark, I was in a bit of a rush to snap the picture.
A close-up of my favorite piece-a transparent angel....on wood. =/

That's all I have for now. I'm so excited about the next Paper Crafts and I have NO CLUE what we'll be doing this time. I know I have to get to work on my "homework" though!

Tomorrow night, working from 1-9 and then Chelsea's Oodles of Doodles class. Possibly more pics? We'll see.....


Well, I've done it. I've finally pushed myself to actually finish something........IN ONE NIGHT!!! I had a kit from Candice's class [Color Explosion] and couldn't really do much with it, since there were no instructions nor photographs to compliment the kit, so there I was, all alone and scared and trembling. Slowly awaiting my instructions. Then, along came the book, and I kinda, might have snatched it up to view it's contents.

Other than that, I haven't been up to much else. Placing an order with Michelle through TAC[The Angel Company] and trying to decide how best to administer my money. I've developed a plan. I'll only be ordering 2 sets this round and 4 next. The stamps that I'm wanting are either retiring or, they're a stamp of the month. Golly, I love getting stuff. Now, all I need to do is actually USE all of it! ;)

I'm currently in the midst of creating something [kind of like a RAC-Random Act of Kindness] for someone.....for no particular reason. Although, I have screwed up a few times and I want to make this person happy. So yeah...

I'm hoping that I'll finish Cindy's April kit by this weekend and then start working on this mystery project. I need to get my work published on here. First thing's first, I need to take some pictures of the stuff that I made in Roxi's class, then the Wedding Anniversary album, then Brad's album, then my finished work. I'm not sure if I'll post anything that is actually from a class, unless it was a "self-teach" class, and I had to take the ideas home to play with [think, Marci's Hambly class--BTW, LOVED IT!!!!].

I'm actually super stoked about this upcoming Paper Crafts Challenges. I need to get to work on my homework or I'm bound to fail. Oh no!!!

Summer school starts up for me next week. Sooo not excited, but it's only one class, and I think I can make it: Foundations of Mathematics I. I took it my first semester in college and made a D, so, hence, why I NEED to take it again. My next session is a month from now and I'll be taking Elementary Spanish II. That reminds me.....I also need to start rereading my Spanish texts and refreshing my memory about the language, or I'll be up Goose Creek without it! Oh dear...
At least, it's only a month apiece, but it'll probably be an every day thing.

I need to start getting ready. I'm going to Bartlett to meet Brad and then going with him to his work [although I'll be playing at Books-A-Million] and waiting until he gets off work. We're supposed to be cleaning off his back porch, but I don't really see that happening. We'll probably go back to Bartlett and hang out, hopefully neking a pit-stop by work and Hob Lob.....maybe Micheal's, too. I want to get some of the Once Upon A Time papers from Michael's and see if they have any *new* $1 acrylic stamps. I'm off to ready myself. Doesn't seem like I'll be doing much creating, but maybe I'll have a chance tonight [I stayed up past 12 looking through the TAC catalogue and finishing up the Color Explosion book]. I need to go to bed a little earlier tonight, since I have to go in at 10 tomorrow and then, I have Chelsea's Oodles of Doodles class. Ugh...speaking of which, I wanted to get that book. Bummer. Maybe next tab? I need to quit putting so much on my tabs. This is getting ridiculous. I just want to get a few "essentials" and pick up some papers for that special project.

Up up and away..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the charm swap

ugh... i'm still in the process of trying to come up with a reasonable idea that will work for 10 charms. since i don't know how to make jewelry, i'll have to buy all of the supplies, or better yet, print off images to use. should be fun. if only i could have someone teach me the basics of making jewelry without spending my limbs and vital organs on the black market, i'd be in business.

roxi's class was AMAZING, as always. now, if only the melting pot and all it's glorious accessories we're so expensive, i'd purchase the bundle... one day, maybe? right now, i'm trying to concentrate on getting things that i THINK i may use in the future, when i have more time, and things that just catch my eyes in general. i really wish i had all this time to create wonderful works of art, but it seems as though, with friends and family, work and school, sleep is the next thing on my list. i want to have like a week of nothing but fun and art, but it's hard to get motivated at times.....more like, ALL the time. i HAVE to have a goal and a time in mind to get me started, that's why i take so many classes. i need to get OUT of this creative FUNK that i'm in and start being happy and making worthwhile projects. i'm jealous of everyone that can find time, patience, and happiness though art, when i sit here and can't think of a darn thing.

speaking of which, i still have some projects that need to be completed. i finished two scrapbooks that i needed to complete and i need to work on candice's color explosion kit that i have [need to email her as well] and marci's hambly book. i need some good photos worthy of the book.

i'm working tonight [1-9, taking up jen's hours so that she can have time with her mom, but she'll cover my 4-9 for tonight, so i'll be closing with her....YAY!!!!!!], thus, art will be put off again. i need to start saving some money. i seem to spend SO much on my tabs and yet, where does it all go? into my storage units and into my head to work some magic, hopefully....

this is so frustrating. i have a plan, now for the charm swap. it consists of printed out "buttons" as a background, which have the image of a bumble bee and then a drop-down flower charm/bead. more than likely a bead, since the charms i'm looking for will be $24 something for 10. grrr...
i think they'll turn out to be cutsie. i'm trying to work on it, but i'll probably be procrastinating, per usual.

i have the images printed and the charms themselves, now all i need i is the flower beads and some string or sorts to hang the beads. maybe i'll change my mind and actually draw the bumble image, since these are looking kinda fuzzy.

we'll see what happens.......

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Newbie on the set!

As my first post, I figured that I'd say a few words about what I hope to bring to my blog. This is going to be a place where I place my art, if I can muster up enough energy to create in my spare time (instead of sleep) and take pictures of my works. Also, I'm going to put things that inspire me and thing that make me think.

Along with my fellow artists, I want to get better and better, one step and one day at a time.

Now, I'm off to get ready to go to my Roxi class (Paper Craft Challenges) and work....playtime will have to be postponed until later (with the exception of Mrs. Roxi's wonderful creative class which forces me to get up off my butt--sort of--and create, in a good way).

Can't wait!