Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One of these days...

One of these days I'm going to post some projects that I've been developing, both for school and in general......right now I'm coming up with the "skeleton" for a Christmas gift. I can't post pics until I give it to her, since she might be checking. =X

I have SOOO much in store for the holiday season. I'm both crafting projects to give as gifts AND buying. It's not helping my spending, either. The economy is win, winning with me.

However, my schoolwork will be done tomorrow and after work, I'm a free lady. I'll hopefully have more free time to share with friends and family [and of course, David] and plan a few nights to just hang out and catch up. I need to see those who I haven't been with in FOREVER!!!!

I found a really interesting blog that I thought I'd share....

[There's a link to the right of the screen--in the blogs I love.]

I hope to post more often throughout the holiday season, but you never know. Lots to do! If I don't post again until the new year, I hope everyone has a blessed and happy holiday! :)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


That's me!

I'm still trying to collaborate all my Christmas wish lists, to START shopping for everyone else on my list. I'm so bad at this. I REALLY with I had the drive to start shopping in September.

Schoolwork is accumulating. Thankfully, nothing's due until December, but still.....
I'm getting fed up with trying to please people and hang out. I've pretty much just given up on trying to make plans. If it's not me, it's them. It's frustrating. :(
That's my vent for today.

I need to clean...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'M ALIVE!!!!!!

I know it's been forever since my last post, but SO much has been going on to keep me busy.

Let's see....October 5th? Hmm....basically since then David and I have gone to Chicago to visit his sister, Sarah [with a slight detour to Ottawa to see my grandparents]. We both had the BEST time. Her condo is lovely and very spacious. She was ever-so sweet, too. We DID end up making it back to Memphis [UGH! Vacations are always too short] after an agonizing 9 hours on our butts.

Also, I got to hang out with Katie [M.] before that and celebrate her birthday a day early. I was going to get her a 6-pack, but opted not to. She makes the best chicken marinara. Mmmm....

Justin [my brother] had his second show that the family and the "extended" family attended. By that, I mean, David and Tiffany. ;)
They did really well. Since that show, they've gone on to have many others. Now their up to a show every other weekend. WOO HOO!!! CHeck them out: Roses Unread [they have a myspace page].

David and I celebrated 8 months together [coming up soon on 9 months] and celebrated by gettin ghim a wooden bookshelf. He got it early, but now he has a place to display all the cards I make him, which makes us both happy. :):)

My best friend Megan turned 22 on Halloween, though I didn't get to see her. David had invited me to a Halloween party [see myspace page for costumes] and so we went and ended up leaving early.

Justin's birthday was on the 1st of this month. He's now 24. Oh joy! He'll always be 7 to me.....

I VOTED for the VERY FIRST time on the 4th [the actual Election Day]. My mom went with me! :)
Starbucks ensued. Followed by Arby's after school. There were all sorts of places giving discounts and promos for free stuff, JUST FOR VOTING!!!! How exciting.

David and I went on a walking date JUST the other day [yesterday, actually], and ended up walking 4 hours before I had to go in to work. I LOVED it!!!! Too bad the camera died and I didn't get many pics. :(

Tomorrow I have to register for classes for next semester, and I'm so sad, because David's going to Memphis. :'(
I'm hoping we can make our schedules work so that we can see each other at least meet up for lunch. =/

School's been keeping me SOOO preoccupied. It's great, but also frustrating with all the assignments and due dates. I'm trying to keep up. Thankfully, I'm doing well. I'm estimating graduating next fall [with my Associates in Graphic Arts Production, i.e. 2D]. I'm so nervous about being without David. It's weird. Especially since when we started dating he wasn't at Southwest.

We'll see how it works....


P.S. Michelle, I miss you. I hope things are going alright.....and what's with the Etsy?!?!?! Where'd you go??

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My mom sent me this:

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stupid Env!

Okay, I admit it. I SUCK at maintaining phones. They seem to have problems, UNRELATED to my dropping, hitting, overuse. My charging port becomes loose, faulty systems, and even phone's that have had NUMEROUS updates, that I've not been informed about until taking it in [happened to my Chocolate].

My green Env was actually MY fault. I've dropped it a few times and, if phone companies were smart maybe they'd adjust the wires, now my CAMERA doesn't work. This means I can't change out my defaults, send pics, take pics, view pics, or have ANYTHING to do with the pics that AREN'T loaded onto my card.

This sucks. I had SO many pictures that I wanted to update to my blog, my Photobucket account, and load onto another card, eventually.

I'm losing it.

I'm REALLY hoping I can go to the Verizon store and have them recover my "lost" images. Otherwise....

Maybe their site can help. =/

Friday, September 26, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks to Juli for the love. :)

And, my nomination duties, the following 7 blogs I just can't get enough of....
1. Michelle P.
2. Elsie
3. Michelle M.
4. Ruth
5. Cindy
6. Rachel
7. Silje

*If you've been tagged, you can put the LOGO on your blog!
*Link the person from whom you received the award.
*Nominate at least 7 other blogs you love.
*Put the links to those blogs on yours.
*Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.

I love your blogs!!!! Check out my sidebar [to the right] on my blog. You can find SO many other wonderful and ABSOLUTELY fabulous blogs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


FREE AND REDUCED SHIPPING!!!!! Enjoy free shipping and reduced shipping on ALL items in stock. :)

I need a creative shove.

I'm desperate. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I need to get it together. I just CAN'T seem to get in a creative mood. I have all these ideas just FLOATING, but I don't seem to ever have the time to make anything. I'm even starting to decide whether my Adobe illustrations that I'm creating in class would even work for Etsy items.

UGH!!! Help?

David and I celebrated our 7 months yesterday. Yes, we're still keeping count. We're not married, so we have to look forward to the months AND years, instead of just yearly anniversaries. I wasn't a very good sport about anything yesterday, either......except at dinner [Macaroni Grill! :)]. With that....well, I haven't been in a good mood this week, and no, NOT because of that. :(

I have LOADS of assignments coming in from just about every angle and I'm wondering how Trish made it through all her courses in Graphic Design and manage all her creativity.


I need to think of a Halloween get-up. I have one in mind, I just have to get it.
Too much.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Damien Hirst

It's been a little while since I've updated, so I figure, since I'm up early and have over an hour before I head off to school, why not?

First, before I get started, the title. Damien Hirst is a British artist that was kinda featured on the Today Show [VERY briefly]. He's brilliant! If you can't stand images of dead animals, you shouldn't Google, however, if you want to see some interesting pieces, please do. My ONLY retort on his work [other than I'm a huge animal fan and hope he didn't have these animals killed for art or buy from people who killed for sport--look up his diamond encrusted skull, there's questioning up in the air about blood diamonds and I believe that the proceeds from his sale should go to a charity focused on the blood diamond, the blood diamond charity fund perhaps?].


David's birthday was Friday. I brought him breakfast and we went out and bought him some sunglasses [SUPER CUTE!] and a Route 44 for each of us. Then we went to dinner at J. Alexander's, before both going back to my house to sleep. Saturday, my family, David, Tiffany, and I went to Hernando for the MS Bike-A-Thon. It wasn't too bad, though I got a sunburn. :(
Sunday was cancelled due to Ike. David ended up going home early and I went home without him. :(

NOT TO FORGET TO MENTION: Michelle's birthday was Wednesday! HOORAY!!! [Cheesy HAPPY BIRTHDAY shoutout] ;)

I'm going to have to get ready, but there's A LOT more on my mind.

One of which is to update my Etsy. I just need my life put on hold. :(

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dinner was amazing.

Yesterday, since Justin and Tiffany weren't going to be at the house, my mom told me to take dinner to David's to cook. WOW! I couldn't believe how good everything was. I mean, I even ate the peas! I know things always taste better when you make it yourself....but yeah.

Baked potatoes-fluffy and delicious.
Sweet peas-Sweet with a little crisp.
Wine-Light and fruity.


Okay, so that's that. I'm struggling to motivate myself to drive all the way to school. I hate driving so far everyday. It's no fun!
It's mentally exhausting. :(

Time to reheat the coffee!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Holy smokes! Today's been so busy. I cannot believe it.

First and foremost, my mom texted me last night wondering if I wanted to go to lunch with her and Mrs. Chris at the Tea Room in Covington, since they took today off. Well, since David had to work today, I decided that I would. She also suggested that I register to vote, since I was only 17 at the time of the last election. Then, this morning, I called Jerol Hopkins [the car dealership] to see if they could fit me in for maintenance on "The Tank". It's been needing attention BADLY.

Okay, hold your breath. It gets interesting....

Not only did I register to vote, get the car looked at and maintained, picked up a few school supplies [Wal*Mart], ate lunch with my mom, Mrs. Chris, and Jackie [:)], AND also, decided to clean a huge section of my room.


I removed a large cabinet that served NO purpose for many years [though it DID accumulate mass piles of mess and dust], cleaned up the entire floor on that side [MINUS the scrap junk pile], and vacuumed.

I'm so happy. I'm kinda sad that I have to go to work tomorrow and therefore have to go to bed VERY soon, but I'm also kinda glad, since I'm getting sleepy.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank you.

I've neglected the computer for a while and now I've got hundreds of emails to either delete [SPAM] or sort through. That's my mistake.

Thank you, Michelle for being a true friend. I can't possibly be any more grateful that you just came to see me, let alone sort some things out and help me understand that I need to look at things from ALL angles, not just from my view point. That said, I'm sure glad I didn't lose a friend.

Things are getting better for me. The robbery is a vague distant memory, minus the fact that the image does pop in from time to time to visit me. Other things are starting to set themselves straight. It's rather emotional and VERY personal, but I know things will work out for the absolute best in the end. I KNOW we can overcome anything and everything and that's the best part. Even with the kinks, as long as we're willing to talk and talk things through, we'll make it.

I've got to learn to trust that not everyone will screw me over. No one behaves the same. NO ONE! I cannot dwell on the past mistakes of others, to justify what might come of the present and future. Past was past and it's not a road to follow. Also, like Alissa's card said, I've got to "believe in [my]self". Life isn't a fairytale and people don't have scripts. This is life and it is ALL TOO real. Maybe someday soon I will step back and see what a masterpiece it truely can be.

I love with all my heart and that will certainly never change. To my friends, my family, and to the one I absolutely love.

Monday, August 18, 2008

For lack of better words...

I've been absent for a little while. I've been trying to find the words to describe, but I just can't. Nothing really serious, just an eye opener and a shock that's lasted for almost a week now.

I'm not sure how to put it, but to just say it. Eclectica was robbed this past Wednesday and I was the cashier at the register. I wasn't harmed, just a bit shaken up. I know I won't FULLY recover, but it's just now subsiding. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I had personally been mugged. I don't have any desire to talk about it. I really don't feel like living in the past. I feel totally violated and disgusting and it isn't even my doing. I shouldn't feel this way, but it's what happened.

I'm hoping to update my shop soon. I need fresh merchandise.
Hopefully I'll find LOADS of time between school, work, and hanging out with David [among all our travels] to create. But first, I need some inspiration.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Vaction time sure does fly! I can't tell you how happy I am to be back home though.

However, I have Etsy orders to mail, new product at the store to battle through and dismiss until my next paycheck, and goodies to make up.

I'm going to have to run to the post office before I go to work. This ought to be fun....

Plus, the car needs gas! UGH!!!!

Welcome home.

P.S. I haven't resolved anything with PayPal [they seem to hate me], however, I've been deciding to send my things BLINDLY with hopes that I can get everything solved by this week. I have to fax a copy of my driver's license and everything to PayPal to varify since my account has been locked. I'm VERY displeased.

SO, I have RME now too, just in case I have to do away with Paypal. Hopefully, everyone will understand. :(

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Almost time!

Since my beloved will not be joining us, I'll probably get online a few times while I'm away....just to check the blog and talk to people via IM.

I have upcoming plans, which I am very excited about [excluding tomorrow's excursion....thus why I'm up and cannot sleep]. David and I are planning a few mini vacations of our own [sort of]. On our fall break, we're considering going to his sister's in Chicago and staying a few nights. Also, David, his parents, and I are going to SOUTH CAROLINA for a weekend for a car show. OMG! NEVER BEEN!!! Lol...maybe we'll be close to the beach and I can quickly run and jump in the sand. I'll tell you, there's NOTHING like sand between your toes--the beach kind, not sandbox. :(

I'm from Florida, I'm missing the sun and fun....and the beach, of course!

Okay, here's to SIX days vacation and hoping for the best for David and his family right now.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anything that CAN go wrong.....will.


For one, my Paypal is screwed up, so I have YET to recieve ANY money. I have to fax something to Paypal, because apparently my bank is COMPLETELY retarded and can't do crap by themselves.

For two....David's grandfather isn't doing well AT ALL. He was in an accident this past week and ended up being airlifted to a hospital. He's been in ICU since......and well, things might not work out for the trip and him. I'm REALLY hoping things get better and that he recovers, but maybe it's for the best. I don't know how to prepare for these things when they don't happen to me. I'm not sure what to say or how to behave. It's crazy. I know I have to be supportive, but I'm not sure how. I'm trying.....and yet, I'm still being selfish and wanting David to come with us. If only our trip could've been either before all of this.....or after. This is ripping me apart. I'm going to be so lonely. I'm really going to miss him. Even now, I've tearing up about just the thought of it.

I pray whatever happens, happens for the best.
I love you, David.

Maybe someday, my life will have a set plan and things will be great. Godspeed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thursday cannot come too soon.

I'm ready. I just have to pack up my things and I'll be completely finished and ready to go. Everything's washed and dried and just awaiting a suitcase.

I cannot believe that David will actually get to see Ottawa, firsthand. I'm super stoked! All I have to do is make it through today at work [WITHOUT BUYING A SINGLE THING] and then tomorrow I'll pack and pick him up.

I have to run by the post office tomorrow. I would have done it today, but my PayPal is acting up, so I have to go to my bank and fix everything. I'm so ticked off about it. Why does it have to be difficult? Grrr...

I'll be working on my shop after I get back. I have to work the next few days when I get home, but I'll try to make a few things in the process.

I'll miss you!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nearly completed

As promise, though I'm certain many people won't really mind, here's the pics from the other night....and some from today.

The guys looking at lighting fixtures [Mike and David]


The partially finished garage. I was instructed NOT to take pictures of the mess...

GORGEOUS colors for a kitchen [snagged this one from a magazine when I was waiting on the guys to check out]. I absolutely love it.

I actually OWN one of these black. They're called "Wassily chairs" and are named after Wassily Kandinsky from Russia [fyi--got that from the magazine too!]

Pictures while driving to work this morning [I know, I know....BAD!]
This one is Rosemark Academy. They're tearing it down! Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to get a shot of the front....just the gym.

The old mill across the street from the school. It's been vacant for years, and I LOVE it.

People are cutting down alot of trees for God knows what. I love the sunrays coming through. :)

I didn't touch up any of the photos, sorry...

Oh, David and I didn't do much of anything tonight. It was great. WAYYYY too hot for a picnic, so we went to Sonic instead. :) Hooray!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good morning...

Today's going to be a good day. I can almost feel it.

David and I were supposed to go see Dave Matthews, but my dumb-dumb butt didn't get tickets, and now it's sold out......SOOOOOOOOO we're going to the park and lounging out.

Also, my Dad's car [the piece that I'm forced to drive--long story] has a new battery, so the chances that, say, I'm stranded at a bank, are pretty slim.

That was yesterday. I ended up being late for work, but all's good.....MICHELLE CAME TO SEE ME! :)

It's crazy. I've only known her for such a short time, but we've bonded. I'm SUPER happy that I have someone who shares the same passion as me and the fact that our styles are so similar. Wow!

Why can't the 7th get here?
I'm DYING of anticipation....

Off to go open the store. Coffee first? Yes, probably.

P.S. I have pictures from the other night that I'll post in my next blog. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008


WTF?! Well, Michelle and I have decided to do a little project. We are collaborating our works, dreams, goals, and...well, hey....WORKS on Etsy.

If you haven't already checked it out [there's nothing posted yet, so don't get too excited], here's the link.

We're both really excited. Once our vacations are over, we should be starting on our project.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

FIRST SALE!!! exciting! I've made my first two sales today. I'm super excited. Thanks to the LOVELY Tara from Canada.

So if you missed out on the two items, send me a convo. I can make more if necessary.

I'll be out of town next week/weekend and the following week [August 7-12] for a family reunion in Ottawa, IL. I'm so happy to be going "home" to visit my grandparents and get my other change of scenery. I LOVE that town. I can't begin to describe how happy I feel just being there.

What's better? DAVID'S GOING!!!! It will be a much better experience with him there. I won't need my cell phone or anything, unless Michelle calls! :)

I'm putting some finishing touches on my items and getting them all ready to go. I have to configure some "goodie bags" to go with them. I mean, hey...THEY'RE GOING TO CANADA!!!!!

Super stoked! I'm seriously considering celebrating tonight. I've been dancing my booty off.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good night!

Tonight was lovely. I played my very first game of shovelboard EVER, and still felt young. I did very well, scoring my first three of the evening on my last disk. Incredible....and at Fox and Hound, no less! Even after a shower, my hair still reeks of smoke. :(

Guess what?! All that hard work paid off. I have a few new items on Etsy. I'm really proud of them. This one's just plain ol' cute:

I'm so excited about going to Illinois, I can hardly contain myself. I've been making random doodads for an upcoming album of sorts. I'm hoping to get it done before next year. I have YET to complete the family reunion album from last summer.

Though, this summer, there'll be more to photograph. :)

A few of my lastest obsessions.... =X

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So I had a few REALLY good pictures to add to my photobucket account of new items for the shop. Well, my phone [I use my camera phone to take the pictures] decided that the pictures that I had JUST took and were stored into the phone weren't important and decided to throw them out. So 15 pictures went down the drain. Doesn't help that it wanted to act wonky, freeze, then have to be turned on and off for about 5 minutes.

I swear....stupid Verizon.

So I'm about to sprint downstairs, set everything up, and do a photoshoot all before I have to go and get ready for work. Blah...
Might have to wait until tonight/tomorrow morning to upload.

Okay, off to shoot three different items.
Wish me luck!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Something for today....MY inspiration

Me via text: You are my shining star that blazes across my sky. I am so in love with you. You are THE GREATEST thing to ever come into my life.

Him via text: Thats the sweetest thing ever said to me!


A DaveySurprise! :)

Officially the BBFF!!!! <3333*

I'll break it in tomorrow. Michelle/Megan day tomorrow! Hooray!
I'm not sure what I'll be working on, but I already have a few things for the shop that I just need to photo and upload and I'll have NEWBIES! [w00t!]

Look for updates in the shop soon!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'VE WON!!!!!!

Okay, so not only do I practically NEVER win anything ever, but I've won the CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Check it out!

*Minus the felt, button, and possibly blue trim*

So.....HERE IT IS!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SNEAK PEEKS!!!! <333*

These are my *NEWEST* Etsy creations! I'm thrilled with them. There's a link to the right to my Etsy shop. You can view them there. I LOVE THEM!!! :)

On to other news, tomorrow equals work, which means EVEN MORE product to turn down. I'm on a mission to be good and not rack up QUITE the tab, until after Ottawa, IL.
Friday equals Megan and Michelle Day Numero Uno. Monday will be Numero Dos!

I can't wait to see what we'll be inspired to create.

P.S. I've recieved my business cards!!! Hooray!

Oh good[ie]ness!

I always seem to be the night owl in the majority of my posts.....

Tomorrow I have a wonderful day off. I get to do whatever I want all day, which I'm actually having to force cleaning and doing laundry so I can get to creating!

I need a craft space in my room, so in order for that to be done, things need to be shifted and moved around....and cleaned.

Oh if only I could have my dream MR. BIG closet and also a WONDERUFLL FABULOUS scraproom, all to myself.
I keep wishing...

Today [the 23rd], is David and my 5 month. I know, I might be odd that we're keeping track, but we aren't married and it's one of the things that we both look forward to so much. We won't be seeing each other tomorrow, but we're getting pumped up for the reunion trip to Illinois to visit my family. He's never been to Ottawa and I'm going to have SO MUCH fun showing him everything I can.

There's a distant rumble of thumder in the background, and I'm happy to say that this makes me incredibly peaceful. I can't wait to go to bed and hear this as a sleep. :)


Sunday, July 20, 2008

I know my ABC's...

A. Attached or single? Attached.
B. Best friend? David. Hands down.
C. Cake or pie? CAKE!
D. Day of choice? Fridays usually.
E. Essential item? CELLY.
F. Favorite color? Green [also hot pink, black, borwn, grey, and orange].
G. Gummy bears or worms? I prefer Swedish Fish or Sour Patch Kids. Gummy bears and worms give me a tummy ache. :(
H. Home town? Just about everywhere. Born in Orlando, raised all over. Try to decipher an accent.
I. Favorite indulgence? Bright colored anythings and good food.
J. January or July? July.
K. Kids? Zilch, currently.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Happiness.
M. Marriage date? Sometime in the future [Vegas by the end of summer!]
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brother.
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples.
P. Phobias? Dying. :(
Q. Quotes? I like meaningful quotes, but I don't live my life by them.
R. Reasons to smile? David and my mom....and finding people who mean a lot to me.
S. Season of choice? Fall!
T. Tag 5 people: Uhh...Michelle? Anyone else, if you want to, go for it!
U. Unknown fact about me? There are loads. If you stick around me long enough, I tend to blab about them all.
V. Vegetable? Carrots.
W. Worst habit? Leaving things around.
X. Xray or ultrasound? Xray. Ultrasound would mean my eggo is preggo!
Y. Your favorite food? I don't really have one. I could probably eat chips and queso every day, but it's not my favorite.
Z. Zodiac sign? Aries.

I tried to post this earlier, but my computer hates me. :(

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just a little mentioning...

I've updated BOTH cards in my shop with more, clearer pictures. I'm happy that I finally got it all together.

I should have a few more things in the shop soon.


Holy CHA!

What an eventful day!

Not only did I get some shopping done, but it was fairly relaxing [not many screaming, frantic children running amuck in stores].

I ended up going, basically everywhere:


Hobby Lobby, and finally Eclectica!

At HL, Michelle didn't think she was going to make it, but THANKFULLY she got better and by the time I made it into E and sat down for a little while [feeling VERY uncreative], she texts and asks if we can still h/o. Uhh....YEAH! :)

David finally went to the doctor today. I'm so very proud of him. He didn't want to go, but I kept nagging. Hopefully the lab results are good and he gets over his aches and pains.

So, CHA. New product has already started to come in. I'm a HUGE fan of holiday themed papers, and with all the gunk from last year collecting dust, I need to use some of that before I even THINK of buying any more! I do have a sweet tooth for:

I hate when I get suckered [haha...pun wasn't intended] in to all the new goodies. I need to stop, save my money, and create using all that I have now!

I'm definately going to need to save up for the Maya Road Cupcake Crap. :(

Then, there's Ottawa. I can't believe that it's literally.....a little less than 3 weeks until I'm out of Memphis, for about a week.
Sure, Ottawa's not a vacation, but JEEZ, it's better than staying here without leave for A YEAR!!!!!!
TGFFR [Thank God For Family Reunions].

OOOOHHHH....I did buy some neat things from HL. Pink and black crazy cool printed dishwares--FOR MY EMBELLISHMENTS!!!! I'm stoked.

I'm basically rambling and possibly needing slumber. I'm starting to contemplate tomorrow's possible cleaning, Etsy goods, and work.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Feeling kinda blah.

Tomorrow equals

[aka: Create Day!]

Today was work, then Hobby Lobby....where I found this cutie:

Basically, that's all I have for tonight. I'm kinda in that pre-sleep stage.

[Gerkie's got the right idea. She's so dark, I had to distort the entire photo JUST to be able to make her added photo bling! ;)]


Tuesday, July 15, 2008



It's my Bon Voyage journal.

I've found my MIA card! It will also be in the shop shortly. I need to get some blank white cards with envelopes to matte the card faces onto before they ship.

Each item posted with recieve an added goodie to the bundle. I'm hoping to sort out all the kinks before too long. Remember, I'm still new at this!

This is super exciting. I can't wait to start creating more! :)

Off to post more...

Sunday, July 13, 2008


The below card that I was going to post is currently MIA. :(

Once I gather a few more things and configure postage, I should be good. I have Tuesday off, and I've decided to make that day one of creativity. Not to mention, Michelle and I will be at Eclectica on Thursday [another day off!] to create.

Expect it!
I just have to take pictures, type up descriptions, and configure pricing. Oh, I forgot to mention........I'VE GOT BUSINESS CARDS ON THE WAY!!!! I couldn't be more happy.

Whew! So much...
I have more buying to do as well.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

To be posted...

...on Etsy.

I am officially opening my shop this upcoming week, so be prepared!
I have only a few items, since I don't have alot of time to create. I'm going to see how well they do first.

If I sell everything, I'll restock with more products. I'm so excited!
Be prepared to experience cards, mini books, tags, pages, page kits, ribbon, destashed items, paintings, flowers, and more.

How freaking cool

are these?!?!!?

Wow...I can't wait. Hopefully they won't be too expensive. I need to discover some blogs that have creative ways of staying thrifty and saving on item in-store and in life. I HAVE to start saving and getting coupons and giftcards and doodads to keep the cost of my spending low. I spend WAYYY too much, and I don't make enough to just do that. Especially with gas on the rise and a huge @$$ tank in my Dad's car.


Good news [is always good], Michelle and I had fun yesterday at Eclectica, doing make n takes and chatting along. Afterwards getting yucky [yes, Y.U.C.K.Y.] Starbucks [stupid girl] and shop-a-lopping in Target. Thankfully I managed to keep my total down to just over $11 after raiding the dollar and two-dolla-fiddy section. Whew!

Today calls for me getting up and getting coffee and actually WAKING UP to go and hang out with Michelle again! YAY!!! I'm loving the times we have to hang out. Being inspired kicks it!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holy smokes!

What a week/weekend! I had a blast Thursday and Friday night [literally!]. David and I went with my mom and dad to Millington to watch the fireworks [at our exclusive spot] with my mom's friends, Jackie, Chris, and Alaina [and Chris' husband, Chuck, Alaina's husband, George, and Chris' daughter Cassie--who ROCKS btw!]. We were right across the lake from the fireworks.

On the fourth, David and I went over to his parents to eat and go to the Germantown fireworks show. We sat alone in one of the Saddlecreek Shopping Center parking lots.

So that was that, minus the little tidbits between....
Like fireworks with Mike and Alex, among others.

Today has be unproductive, except that I bought MORE hangers at Wal*Mart for my room. 30 to be exact. My clothes are driving me crazy, but I love them all....I need a MUCH bigger closet. Think Carrie Bradshaw BIG [get it? Mr. Big? Closet? NO??!?!].
Lol'ing on the inside, really.

I didn't get to see David today, either. That always makes things worse. There are times that I really do wish we were married. I hate saying goodbye and I hate going even a day without seeing him. Plus, I want to get married. There are more reasons, but that's a novel. He had an okay day though. Swimming with Mike, Alex, and me. :(
BUT, he's sick. I'm considering picking him up some CNS from the store on the way to see him tomorrow.

I've got plans though....I love plans.
Depending on if I wake my happy butt up early enough, I'm wanting to go to Southwest and the U of M to straighten everything up with Fall 08's registration and the switching of my major, as well as filling my Graduation Application.


P.S. Random thought for tonight:
Why is it that I can feel so strongly about something, yet, moments can pass me by in a blur?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Soon to be the proud owner of...

I love it. I saw it on Etsy, saw it was a large, freaked, and found a small.
I can't wait to get it. It was kinda expensive and I know I'll have to transfer funds to my checking account, but I'll make it work.

I'm cleaning, AGAIN, today. Right now, I'm listening to songs to put on my profile. I think they're going to work. They're all soothing and I managed to save them in my phone, only to do nothing with them, thus far.

I have coasters to work on, a star book to figure out, mini books to complete, and all but one to register to sell. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Elsie clouds for sure!

Michelle, you are so right.

I took this on the way out of my neighborhood. Seriously, I was sitting at the stop sign for a good 5 minutes just staring. Haha...


3 Looks

Eclectica's 3 Looks has hit the shelves.....and the website.

The journaling can't quite be made out from the picture, so I went ahead and retyped it: "What a gorgeous day for a walk in the woods. I picked the spot, he picked the camera. We walked through acres of woods by the Wolf River and stopped at the lake. Afterwards, we made friends with the locals and fed them Chick-Fil-A bread and fries. -Nature Walk 6/08"

Three things the make me happy:
1. The remainder of the week [MINUS EVERY MOSQUITO].
2. Tomorrow's cleaning [yes, I know.....I'm probably sick].
3. Tanning.

Something that makes me sad:
1. Mosquitoes.

I'm off to go get ready to go do one of my happys. ;)
AFTER I wish an old friend Happy Birthday and have a cup of coffee.


P.S. It's crazy, but yesterday I found a picture of Brad. It was the first time that I didn't feel anything because of it. It's like it almost never happened and it was just a picture of a lost friend. I barely chuckled [if that's what you call that one little "huh" sorta laugh under you breath sort of thing]. number 4 on my happy things.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I've been looking at the color orange and I've realized, that this might just be my summer color of choice!

Random survey, but does anyone have a favorite summertime color? If so what is it and why?

I finished my 3 Look project for the store. You can probably find it on the
site after the 1st. I'm actually really proud of it and how it turned out. I was stressing last minute and I'm surprised at how much I fit on there.

I'm configuring new ideas for my Etsy. I'm going to need to recruit someone [*hint* *hint* MICHELLE?!?!!?] to help me with the basics and just getting started. I'm trying to avoid looking at anyone's shop that I know, just so that I can work on my own stuff first, and look and see the differences.

Which reminds me....I need to order business cards. I'm looking for cupcake ones, but yeah, those'll cost me. Does anyone have ANY ideas?!? I need inexpensive ones. Please help...

Tonight calls for swimming and Quiznos.

Oh, and as's my precious joy:

Corn. I grew it in class this past semester and planted it on Earth Day. I'm surprised that it's lived. I have SUCH the black thumb. :(