I've been cleaning this afternoon. Yes, I've barely made a dent and sure, my bed is a TOTAL wreck [laundry baskets and clean clothes needing a home], but I'm sure I'm succeeding in this battle.
I'm preparing some ideas for my friend in Knoxville. I miss her so much and we're going to be art buddies. I've been neglecting my duties. I'm ready to create.
I've been inspired by a blog I haven't read in a while. I'm glad I decided to check it out. Not only do I want to have "colorful days", but I'm super jealous that we don't have photo booths here. :( Boo Memphis!
My inspiration.Also, I'm bored, so...yeah. Enjoy!
1. Where is your cell phone? .................FRONT AND CENTER
2. Your significant other?.......................On his way home from Chili's, WITHOUT me. :'(
3. Your hair?....................................On top of my head and brown.
4. Your mother? .................................She's in bed.
5. Your father?....................................Lying on the couch, snoring.
6. Your favorite thing?..........................Davey Days! ;)
7. Your dream last night?......................Void.
8. Your favorite drink..........................Mt. Dew & Bacardi's, but not together.
9. Your dream/goal?..............................Being happy, finding something I'd LOVE to do for the rest of my life, being able to do it, creating as much as possible and selling my creations, living free.
10. The room you're in?..........................The living room.
11. Your children?.....................................The cats? Sleeping with dad and in Dad's chair.
12. Your fear?...................................Dying.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........Married to my soulmate and living the dream.
14. Where were you last night?...................Upstairs in my bed.
15. What you're not?.............................A good public-speaker.
16. Muffins......................................I prefer CUPCAKES. Yum! Megan Muffin is my alias. Lol.
17. One of your wish list items?.................Polaroid & FILM!!!. :(
18. Where you grew up?..........................Everywhere.
19. What you read last........................HP.
20. What are you wearing?........................Memphis Final Two shirt and some shorts. I've still got tanning lotion on me. EWWW! =X
21. Your TV?.....................................Jay Leno
22. Your pets?...................................Cats, horses, Gecko.
23. Your computer? .........................No internet there, that's why I "steal" my mom's laptop. =/
24. Your life?...................................Always changing.
25. Your mood?...................................Anxious.
26. Missing someone?..........................Like crazy.
27. Your car?....................................Dad's. Mine was totalled. :'(
28. Something you're not wearing?................Shoes [socks, bra, nailpolish]
29. Favorite Store?..............................Unfortunately, Eclectica.
30. Your summer?.................................Not here until Friday[?]
31. Like someone?................................I like like someone. ;)
32. Your favorite color?.........................Green, hot pink, black, grey, and brown. Mainly GREEN!
33. Last time you laughed........................Work.
34. Last time you cried?........................Today, when I watched David Mister's video from the wake.
I'll breathe a sigh of relief when everything is finished upstairs. At least we have air conditioning. :)
I managed to cook dinner for the family today, and tomorrow, I'm going to scrounge around for cupcake supplies. So you KNOW it should be a good day.....minus the cleaning. Boo on that!