Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What a long day...

I'm so exhausted. Mentally and physically...

I need to take a shower and clean, but I can't be bothered to move right now. UGH!! HGTV is keeping me company. I've been having a rough night. I'm learning that old habits don't die so hard.

Mad props to Cindy. She's picking me up some fun-lovin' California fabrics. I'm curious as to what I'm going to do with it. Something will come to me, I'm sure. I have a whole bag of "fluff" to stuff pillows with, so that'll probably be part of my idea.

I'm also trading some goods with Linda, in Denmark. I've GOT to start cleaning and getting things together. When I'm done renovating, I'm going to have a scrapbook nook in my room, hopefully I'll have enough space. =X

I've been buying A LOT of stamps. I need to get some clear thin cd holders and use one of my storage bins for stamps. Blah...

I think I'd LOVE to have some music sheets. I need an insider's scoop!

OOOHHH....what makes me so excited right now: [I'll have pictures later]
My dad FINALLY went out and got me some daffodils for by the birdfeeder. He ended up mowing over [and killing] the ones that I pulled from the old woods that USED to be behind our house, so they had special meaning to them. At least now I have beautiful daffodils that he CAN'T and WON'T destroy. PLUS, in the summer, sunflowers grow there too, because of the birdfeeder. :)
But for starters....

OH, and just before bed....this is probably the sexiest thing I've seen in AGES!!! :)

I'm off to shower....and then slumber.
Cleaning tomorrow after class, where I'm having an exam, and hopefully I'll remember my scantron to this class. Ugh! Today was NOT my day.

I want to just have an entire day of sleeping. I'm not going to let that happen until progress has been made. SEVERE progress!



masonspaige said...

hmm...I found a music sheet journal at Barnes and Noble awhile ago... there are no music notes on them, just the lines... it's kinda cool... I may throw some in your package before I send it. I'm not done searching for more fabric, but my plan is to send it out on friday...I need your addy my dear!

Megan Rublaitus said...

I need the ones with the sheets of music already on them... =/
I want to use them in some layouts and jouranls that I'm going to put together, however, the blanks might look cool, too.

My addy would be:
48 Jerry Circle
Atoka, TN 38004

I can't wait! Let me know what I owe you, or if you have any reaquests, I can pick you up anything here. Either or.... :)
